Sedation Dentist – Royal Palm Beach, FL
Offering Greater Peace of Mind

Is it difficult for you to visit the dentist? Do you try to find any excuse to cancel or reschedule your appointments? If fear or anxiety keeps you from receiving regular oral healthcare, talk to our dental team about our available sedation dentistry services. Our skilled sedation dentist in Royal Palm Beach, FL, Dr. Civetti, can put you at ease and help you feel more comfortable by using nitrous oxide or oral conscious dental sedation. Call our dental office to learn how we can help you overcome your fear of the dentist.
Why Choose Pearl Palm Beach Dental for Sedation Dentistry?
- Inviting, Comfortable Dental Office
- Family-Oriented Dental Office
- KOIS Center Trained Dentist
Oral Conscious Dental Sedation

If you suffer from moderate to severe dental anxiety, you will find that oral conscious sedation is a great way to help you relax during your next dental appointment. Once you meet with Dr. Civetti, we will prescribe you a pill that you will take before your visit. The effects can occur during the timeframe you are traveling to our dental office, so you will need to have someone escort you to and from your appointment. Once we begin the treatment, you will feel completely relaxed and comfortable but also be able to respond to our cues. Afterward, it will take several hours before the effects fully dissipate, so it’s recommended that you return home to rest.
Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation

Are you anxious about your dental appointments, even if it's just for a regular checkup and cleaning? Maybe you've avoided these visits altogether because of your discomfort with the experience. At Pearl Palm Beach Dental, we're dedicated to ensuring your appointments are as soothing and pleasant as can be. That's why we provide nitrous oxide in Royal Palm Beach – a simple solution for patients to remain calm and at ease during their entire visit. Continue reading to learn more about this service and find out if it’s right for you!
Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation?
Because nitrous oxide is gentle, most patients are viable candidates for this method. However, it’s incredibly important to first review your medical and dental background before administering it. If you're pregnant or have a respiratory condition, we'll need to explore alternative options. Alternatively, if you experience dental anxiety, needle phobia, dental sensitivity, or similar issues, nitrous oxide could be the solution you've been seeking!
How Does Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation Work?
Known as laughing gas, this mild form of sedation is ideal for patients who experience minor anxiety. After placing a small mask over your nose, you will begin to inhale the nitrous oxide and oxygen mixture. Within minutes, you’ll feel the effects and become fully at ease. Our team will monitor you to ensure you remain safe and comfortable throughout your visit. Once your appointment is finished, we’ll remove the mask and turn off the gas. In minutes, you’ll begin to feel normal and be free to leave to resume normal activity.
Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation
After the nitrous oxide gas is switched off, its effects will rapidly diminish, allowing you to return to your regular daily routine right after your appointment. This quick recovery is one of the significant advantages of nitrous oxide, making it an excellent choice for both younger and older patients. However, if you've undergone extensive restorative or cosmetic procedures, we'll provide specific aftercare guidance, such as rinsing with warm salt water to alleviate inflammation. Should you have any questions regarding your treatment or nitrous oxide, please feel free to reach out to us at any time!
Sedation Dentistry FAQs

If you need dental work or suffer from anxiety, your sedation dentist in Royal Palm Beach, Dr. Civetti, can help you sit back and relax. Sedation dentistry can ensure a comfortable and stress-free visit, but it's normal to have some concerns about the road ahead. Your sedation dentist will explain everything during your consultation. You can also contact our office to speak with a member of our team or take a look at the most frequently asked questions below.
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
Dental sedation is safe for most patients in good health. Your dentist will learn more about your medical history and any medications you're taking to look for anything concerning. Even if you have underlying health issues, you may still be a candidate for sedation dentistry. Nitrous oxide is generally the safest option. Whether nitrous oxide or oral conscious, we will monitor you closely during your appointment for your safety.
Will I Feel Any Pain with Dental Sedation?
Your dentist can use a local numbing medication with dental sedation to keep you comfortable. At most, you might feel some pressure or strange sensations, but you won't have any outright pain. Depending on your treatment plan, you may experience temporary tenderness after the effects of any numbing medications wear off. You can manage it with an over-the-counter pain reliever and eat soft foods. Your dentist will review any additional aftercare instructions before you go home.
Does Dental Sedation Cause Memory Loss?
Dental sedation can cause fragmented memory, which is more common with oral conscious. This can benefit patients with dental-related fears or a poor experience previously.
Does Dental Insurance Cover Sedation Dentistry?
Dental insurance can classify sedation as a luxury service, which means it isn't always covered. However, if your dentist determines it is necessary for treatment, your insurance may pay some of the expenses after meeting your deductible. We will work on your behalf with your dental insurance to maximize any applicable benefits to lower the amount you'll pay out-of-pocket. Our office offers various financial solutions to keep sedation dentistry affordable, like monthly payments with CareCredit.
Will Dental Sedation Make Me Tell My Secrets?
Dental sedation isn't a truth serum. Some patients may say something silly, but you don't have to worry about spilling your guts. If you happen to say anything embarrassing, it will stay within the room.