Palm Beach Dental Blog

How Long Can I Expect Cosmetic Dental Bonding to Last?

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 11:49 pm
Woman shows off smile

Cosmetic dental bonding is a popular and effective way to fix minor flaws in a smile. It can address issues such as chips, cracks, stains, and gaps, and it can be done painlessly without anesthesia in minutes during a routine dental appointment. The procedure involves no recovery or alteration of existing tooth structure and leaves the patient with a natural-looking repair. If you’re considering using cosmetic dental bonding to repair your teeth, you might wonder how long you can expect the results to last. Here’s what you need to know about the lifespan of dental bonding and how to get the most out of it.


I Just Got Veneers; What’s the Best Toothpaste for Them?

September 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 10:26 pm
Woman has curious expression

Porcelain veneers can be an excellent way to transform your smile into a straighter, whiter, more beautiful state by covering stains, chips, and other imperfections. They require the same hygiene as your natural teeth, but selecting the right toothpaste can make a big difference in how long they will last. Here’s some information to help you make the best decision as to which toothpaste you should use for your porcelain veneers.


Will Getting Veneers Require a Diet Change?

August 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 11:18 am
A dental veneer and an applicator

In general, porcelain veneers are both durable and practical. They can transform your smile’s looks for many years at a time! If you want them to work well, though, veneers require a change in diet. Poor eating habits will cause them to lose functionality. Fortunately, the right meal alterations aren’t hard to make. Your Palm Beach dentist can even give a few pointers. So, here’s why to change your diet for veneers, how to go about it, and other veneer care tips.


Discover Excellence in Dental Care at Pearl Palm Beach Dental

July 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 3:27 pm

Looking for the best dental practice in Royal Palm Beach, FL? Look no further than Dr. Ashley Civetti and her expert team at Pearl Palm Beach Dental. With their unique approach to dental care and a commitment to patient well-being, they are the perfect choice for you and your family’s dental care.


How Necessary Are Temporary Veneers?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 4:55 pm
Woman smiles while receiving dental examination.

Porcelain veneers can be a great way to beautify a smile. Veneers are thin porcelain shells designed to be bonded to the surface of the teeth while mimicking their natural color and luster. They can cover up cracks, chips, and stains or make the teeth appear straighter and fill gaps between them without orthodontics.

The process of getting porcelain veneers typically takes about two weeks. The first session involves taking an impression of the teeth and the removal of a small amount of enamel to make room for the incoming veneers. At this point, temporary veneers are applied to fill the space until the next appointment when the permanent ones are bonded. But why are they necessary?


Are Dental Implants Susceptible to Cavities?

June 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 3:39 pm
a closeup of a patient’s smile with dental implants

When it comes to restorative dentistry, dental implants are leaps and bounds ahead of other solutions. However, some people wonder if they can still incur problems such as cavities, despite being quite different in composition from natural teeth. Keep reading to learn more from your trusted dentist about dental implants, their resistance to cavities, and some useful tips for keeping them intact.


4 Reasons to Push Your Fear Aside About Dental Implants

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 1:09 am
a woman smiling after receiving dental implants

Are you considering restoring your smile with dental implants? If so, you are looking into the option that is considered the gold standard of tooth replacements! They are the only tooth loss solution that replaces the entire tooth structure, from root to crown. However, you may be a bit fearful of the implant process since your dentist will insert biocompatible steel posts into the jawbone. But there is truly nothing to be scared of. Here are four excellent reasons to be excited, rather than fearful, when getting dental implants.


Dental Implants: How Long Can You Expect Them to Last?

April 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 1:03 pm
Render of dental implant in the lower jaw

When teeth are missing, you don’t have to be stuck with an unsightly gap in your grin. There are multiple ways for your dentist to re-complete your smile, and in many cases, dental implants will be their go-to option. One of the many benefits of dental implants is that they last longer than traditional bridges and dentures. But how long is that exactly? And is there anything you can do to extend that lifespan? Here’s what you should know when getting dental implants.


What Will Recovery Be Like After Full Mouth Reconstruction?

April 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 2:29 pm
Dental patient smiling while waiting in dental chair

The full mouth reconstruction process makes it possible to restore the health and appearance of your smile even after it has been badly damaged. When planning the treatment, you should be aware of what will happen after each procedure; your mouth will need time to heal, and until it does, you’ll have to ensure that you’re protecting it properly. Here’s a quick look at what will happen during your recovery after full mouth reconstruction.


Why Won’t My Lower Denture Stay in Place?

March 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 11:29 pm

Older woman at dentist for denture careAdvancements in materials and technologies allow dentures to feel and look more realistic than ever before. A well-fitting set of dentures only needs suction to stay in place. If your lower denture keeps slipping or moving from position, it can make it difficult to eat, laugh, or speak without worrying about your teeth falling out. If your bottom denture is giving you grief, here are 3 of the most common causes and what you can do to stop the slipping.


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