How Necessary Are Temporary Veneers?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 4:55 pm
Woman smiles while receiving dental examination.

Porcelain veneers can be a great way to beautify a smile. Veneers are thin porcelain shells designed to be bonded to the surface of the teeth while mimicking their natural color and luster. They can cover up cracks, chips, and stains or make the teeth appear straighter and fill gaps between them without orthodontics.

The process of getting porcelain veneers typically takes about two weeks. The first session involves taking an impression of the teeth and the removal of a small amount of enamel to make room for the incoming veneers. At this point, temporary veneers are applied to fill the space until the next appointment when the permanent ones are bonded. But why are they necessary?

Why Do I Need Temporary Veneers?

Temporary veneers give the patient a chance to make sure the veneers look and work properly before the permanent ones are bonded to the teeth. This allows the patient to get used to how they feel while testing out the new bite. If the patient disapproves, the dentist can modify the design.

They also serves to protect the tooth that has had some enamel shaved away. It keeps the vulnerable tooth shielded from trauma and reduces sensitivity to heat and cold before the permanent veneer can be applied.

What Is Wearing Temporary Veneers Like?

Since temporary veneers do not usually result in gaps between the teeth, it is better to not floss between them, as this risks popping them off. Eating crunchy, chewy, hard, or sticky foods is not recommended with them because such foods can damage them. Foods with color additives can stain the teeth while wearing temporary veneers.

Temporary veneers add some thickness to the patient’s teeth. This can lead to discomfort while chewing and alteration to speech until the mouth has had time to adjust to the teeth’s new length and mass. Even if the patient does everything properly, they can sometimes fall off. If this happens, the patient should see the dentist to have the veneer reapplied.

Temporary veneers are made of a different material than the permanent ones. The temporary ones will not look perfectly natural, but the permanent veneers will blend much more convincingly into the rest of your smile.

Patients should remember that temporary veneers are only there to smooth the way to a great smile. Even if they don’t look as good as desired, the permanent ones will look far better. With only two weeks between temporary and permanent veneers, the time would be well-spent ensuring the best result.

About the Author

Dr. Ashley Civetti earned her Doctor of Dental Science degree at the University of Texas Health Science Center School of Dentistry at Houston, graduating with Omicron Kappa Upsilon honors. She maintains active memberships with the ADA, the Florida Dental Association, the Kois Center, the Seattle Study Club, and the Academy of General Dentistry. Under her leadership, Pearl Palm Beach Dental provides stress-free dental services to the community of Royal Palm Beach, FL. For more information on cosmetic dentistry, contact her online or dial (561) 771-5239.

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