4 Reasons to Push Your Fear Aside About Dental Implants

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 1:09 am
a woman smiling after receiving dental implants

Are you considering restoring your smile with dental implants? If so, you are looking into the option that is considered the gold standard of tooth replacements! They are the only tooth loss solution that replaces the entire tooth structure, from root to crown. However, you may be a bit fearful of the implant process since your dentist will insert biocompatible steel posts into the jawbone. But there is truly nothing to be scared of. Here are four excellent reasons to be excited, rather than fearful, when getting dental implants.

1. The Dental Implant Process is Incredibly Precise & Thorough

Since getting dental implants is an oral surgery, the procedure is intricately planned to the very last detail. To begin with, your dentist will do a thorough examination to ensure that your oral health is in good condition and ready to receive the implants. You may need a bone graft if you have experienced some jawbone deterioration due to missing teeth. Once they determine your mouth is healthy, you can undergo the procedure to restore your gapped smile. Modern dental technology and techniques have made placing implants much easier and incredibly precise. You can rest assured you will have the journey to your new grin will be smooth and successful!

2. The Dental Implant Procedure is Very Comfortable

Many people have fears about any kind of dental treatment or procedure because they think they will experience a lot of pain. This is due mostly to the portrayals of dental visits in the movies and on television. However, dental implant placement is very comfortable. Your dentist will numb the treated areas of your mouth so you will hardly feel a thing. It will be over before you know it!

3. The Dental Implant Recovery is Relatively Mild

So, you may now be thinking that since the actual procedure is easy, the recovery must be tough. More good news! The post-operational pain is generally very minimal since it causes only minor tissue disruption. There are also no removable stitches used; instead, dissolvable sutures are utilized to reduce any complications and make the healing process easier. As long as you follow the recovery recommendations and guidelines given to you by your dentist, you should be relatively comfortable all throughout your healing time!

4. The Dental Implant Procedure Ensures a Lasting, Beautiful Smile

One of the greatest benefits of dental implants is their longevity and reliability. With a success rate of over 95% percent, your new smile is sure to stand the test of time. Additionally, since the biocompatible posts naturally begin to integrate with your jawbone, your restored teeth will be firmly rooted, offering incomparable strength. Another bonus is how natural your grin will look! You can enjoy everyday functions like eating and speaking with ease while showing off a gorgeous set of pearly whites.

It’s natural to feel a bit uneasy about getting dental implants. However, the benefits far outweigh the process it takes to get them, especially since it is nothing to be fearful of. Before you know it, you will be enjoying your beautifully restored smile!

About the Author

Dr. Ashley Civetti and her team at Pearl Palm Beach Dental are eager to help keep your smile whole, healthy, and beautiful. She earned her Doctor of Dental Science degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center School of Dentistry at Houston, graduating with Omicron Kappa Upsilon Honors. With a passion for caring for people, science, and creativity, she offers restorative care with dental implants to rebuild your smile and confidence. To schedule a consultation, contact her through her website or call (561) 771-5239.

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