What Will Recovery Be Like After Full Mouth Reconstruction?

April 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pearlpalmbeach @ 2:29 pm
Dental patient smiling while waiting in dental chair

The full mouth reconstruction process makes it possible to restore the health and appearance of your smile even after it has been badly damaged. When planning the treatment, you should be aware of what will happen after each procedure; your mouth will need time to heal, and until it does, you’ll have to ensure that you’re protecting it properly. Here’s a quick look at what will happen during your recovery after full mouth reconstruction.

Remember: The Full Mouth Reconstruction Process is Different for Everyone

It’s vital to remember that full mouth reconstructions are extremely customizable. Your personal treatment plan won’t necessarily be the same as another patient’s. Naturally, this means some people will need more recovery time than others, and they may need to take different steps to care for their smiles in the meantime. Your dental team can give you aftercare instructions that have been tailored according to the treatments that make up your reconstruction plan.

Recovery After Common Full Mouth Reconstruction Treatments

To give you a general idea of what the recovery process will be like, here’s a brief overview of what to expect after a few treatments that are commonly part of the reconstruction process:

  • Fillings, Crowns, and Bridges: You’ll usually be able to return to work immediately after these treatments. Your gums might be tender for a day or two; pain relievers and salt water rinses can often help.
  • Dentures: When your dentures are first placed, they might feel somewhat strange. It will take some time for your mouth to become accustomed to them. Use a denture adhesive if you need help keeping your dentures in place while you’re chewing, and try reading aloud to help yourself get used to speaking with your replacement teeth.
  • Dental Implants: Placing dental implants requires surgery, so the recovery process is typically more extensive. Plan on avoiding strenuous activity for a few days; you’ll most likely need to take some time off work. Avoid hard or crunchy foods until your mouth has healed.

General Tips for Recovery

While you will need to plan your recovery according to the treatments you’re receiving, there are a few tips that are always worth keeping in mind:

  • Don’t try to push yourself to return to your regular routine too soon; give your body the appropriate amount of time to heal before you head back to work.
  • Take any medications you were prescribed according to the directions.
  • If there’s any swelling, you can reduce it with a cold compress.
  • Get in touch with your dentist right away if you notice anything concerning.

A smooth recovery process is key for a successful smile reconstruction. Be sure to talk to your dentist to see if they have any further advice on what to do while your mouth is healing.

About the Author

Dr. Ashley Civetti earned her Doctor of Dental Science at the University of Texas Health Science Center School of Dentistry at Houston. At Pearl Palm Beach, she has been able to help many patients in Royal Palm Beach rebuild their smiles with a variety of restorative procedures, including fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures; she is also partnered with local dental implant experts. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Civetti, visit her website or call (561) 771-5239.

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